Promethean performs Business Performance SWOT Analysis Workshops and provides short-term leadership, program execution & accountability to critical business challenges in aspirational companies with $2M to $100M in revenues.
Promethean specializes in establishing and scaling businesses, executing fixed-price/ fixed-time projects and leading operational turnarounds which create transformative and measurable impact on business revenue, profit and customer experience.
We take a strategic and integrated approach to increasing the effectiveness of organizations by taking delivery responsibility for critical projects whilst improving the performance of team and individual contributor capabilities.
With proven methodologies, Promethean rapidly re-designs, implements and integrates strategic architectures, functional strategies, cross-functional processes and people into best-in-class business solutions.
Unlike most consultants, Promethean shares the RISKS in its client endeavors. Promethean engagements measurably improve workplace outcomes and human performance, or we do not take a fee.